Version Calculation

PEP 440 defines a Python Package’s version using the following grammar.

version ::=  [epoch "!"] public ["+" local]
epoch   ::=  digit+
public  ::=  release [pre][post][dev]
release ::=  digit+ ("." release)*
pre     ::=  "pre" digit+
post    ::=  "post" digit+
dev     ::=  "dev" digit+
local   ::=  (letter | digit)+ ("." local)*

Public Version

The public portion of the version identifier is managed by your package. The best practice for managing the public version is to simply embed it within your package as a top-level attribute named __version__ or version. You should use the version attribute to calculate the value passed to as the version keyword to setuptools.setup().

import setuptools
import mypackage

   # ...

This extension searches for a git tag matching the public portion of the version keyword and uses it as the basis for constructing the post and development release segements.

Pre Release Segment

This extension does not define a value for the pre-release segment.

Post Release Segment

This extension defines the post-release segment as the number of merges since the tag associated with your package’s version.

Development Release Segment

This extension defines the development release segment as the number of commits since the last merge.

Local Segment

This extension defines the local identifier as the first seven characters of the most recent commit. The local identifier is only included if the --committish flag is included and either the post or development segment is defined.